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When Does Tooth Extraction Become Essential?

March 30, 2024

When it comes to dental procedures, one that might make you feel a bit uneasy is tooth extraction. Yep, that’s when a tooth gets pulled out of its cozy little socket in your jawbone. Now, before you start panicking, let’s dive into when and why this might be necessary. First off, there are two main … Continue reading “When Does Tooth Extraction Become Essential?”

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Reasons for having a headache after tooth extraction

October 30, 2020

A Tooth extraction occurs if there is no way to save the natural tooth. Although it is a problematic task, leaving it untreated will make the situation worst. The gums, tissues, and surrounding teeth will get infections, start loosening, and eventually fall, so take action before it gets too late. Every day, several extractions occur … Continue reading “Reasons for having a headache after tooth extraction”

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Extraction vs. Root canal; which procedure is more suitable

October 15, 2020

It is challenging to deal with tooth decay and infections. The teeth are one of the most precious gems that are irreplaceable. However, bad habits or incidents can cause damage to these gems. Hence, the individual has two options: root canal treatment or tooth removal. The choice depends on the professional recommendation according to the … Continue reading “Extraction vs. Root canal; which procedure is more suitable”

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Tooth Extraction Stitches and Dissolvable Stitches

April 30, 2020

Dissolvable stitches are used to close wounds or surgical incisions typically inside the body. Sometimes it takes a combination of dissolvable stitches below the surface and non-dissolvable stitches on the top to close some wounds or incisions. Because dissolvable stitches leave more scars than the non-dissolvable ones, they are most used internally rather than externally. … Continue reading “Tooth Extraction Stitches and Dissolvable Stitches”

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How to Stay Comfortable After a Tooth Extraction

April 17, 2019

Tooth extractions are common dental procedures, but many patients put them off. For some people, fear of pain is the main reason they avoid an extraction. While we understand how scary pain can be, fear of pain is no reason to put off dental work. In fact, avoiding the dentist can lead to more pain … Continue reading “How to Stay Comfortable After a Tooth Extraction”

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Tooth Extraction Vs. a Crown

December 26, 2018

No one wants to get a tooth extraction, though sometimes it’s necessary. But wait! Maybe a crown could save your tooth after all. There are two equally logical arguments for both tooth extraction and crowns. To understand the pros and cons of each, you must do your research before embarking on any procedure. Factors involved … Continue reading “Tooth Extraction Vs. a Crown”

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The Most Common Reasons for Tooth Extraction

May 15, 2018

Hearing that you may need a tooth extraction is never easy news to take. The reality is, however, that extraction is sometimes the only viable option available from your dentist. The alternative is leaving the tooth in place and risking further oral health complications. Reasons for Tooth Extraction In order to relax and feel better … Continue reading “The Most Common Reasons for Tooth Extraction”

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