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Restore Your Smile With a Partial Denture

May 22, 2019

If you are missing teeth, you might be surprised to learn that you have several different options for restoring your smile. Partial dentures are a popular choice because they provide a natural look while being easy to care for. Keep reading to learn if partial dentures are the right choice for you. What is a … Continue reading “Restore Your Smile With a Partial Denture”

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Is There More Than One Type of Partial Dentures?

January 14, 2019

Have you considered dentures as a replacement for your absent teeth? If so, maybe partial dentures are a better fit, especially when few teeth are actually missing. If you’ve suffered for many years with a mouth full of decaying teeth, dentures may sound promising. However, if you’re only missing a few teeth, you might be … Continue reading “Is There More Than One Type of Partial Dentures?”

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The Benefits of Getting a Partial Denture

May 21, 2018

A partial denture is used to replace one or more missing teeth when a full denture is not necessary. When your dentist recommends this treatment option, you may be reluctant, due to scare stories you have heard about the appliance. However, there are numerous, great benefits from having a partial denture. Low Cost and Minimally … Continue reading “The Benefits of Getting a Partial Denture”

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