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At What Age You Should Start Brushing Baby Teeth

August 15, 2023

As a parent, one of the many milestones you’ll encounter during your child’s early years is the emergence of their first teeth. These tiny pearly whites mark the beginning of a new phase in your child’s growth and development, and with them comes the responsibility of maintaining good oral hygiene. But at what age should … Continue reading “At What Age You Should Start Brushing Baby Teeth”

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Brushing: Its Importance And Its Impact.

October 30, 2021

We always hear that brushing twice a day is important for impeccable oral health. However, why is that? How do brushing and flossing help you with your oral health? Before we discuss the importance of brushing, let’s learn about the potential danger our teeth have to face. Tooth Decay And Its Causes: Tooth decay is … Continue reading “Brushing: Its Importance And Its Impact.”

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