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Ways To Get Rid Of Cavities – The Good, Bad And Ugly

November 29, 2020

Cavities are considered a worldwide pandemic, especially in developed countries. However, the disease is treatable and preventable. Let’s discuss the ways to get rid of cavities. The Good: Cavities are preventable, and in the early stages, they are reversible. Here are some ways to protect your teeth from cavities: There are many kinds of toothpaste … Continue reading “Ways To Get Rid Of Cavities – The Good, Bad And Ugly”

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To Fight Cavities, These Foods Are A Gift Of Nature And Will Surely Help.

November 15, 2020

Imagine a fine, pressed white shirt, but with a speck of ink or mud. We all know how that feels, and it can be strikingly related to cavities on otherwise perfect teeth. Apart from aesthetically unpleasing, cavities indicate sloppy oral hygiene. Cavities, if left untreated, can even lead to tooth decay. However, there is nothing … Continue reading “To Fight Cavities, These Foods Are A Gift Of Nature And Will Surely Help.”

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