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3 Essential Vitamins For gums And Teeth

May 15, 2020

Do you think that fueling your car with low-quality gasoline will keep it running for very long? Of course not! Similarly, for a healthy and energetic body, proper nutrition is necessary, including your teeth and gums. In order to protect your oral health, taking the right type of supplement through food or supplements is very … Continue reading “3 Essential Vitamins For gums And Teeth”

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Gum Disease Symptoms: When to See a Dentist

April 22, 2019

Many people have symptoms of gum disease without even realizing it. Gum disease is common and can be treated by a dentist, but it’s important to catch the disease early before it progresses into a serious problem. If you notice any of the following symptoms, make an appointment to see a dentist. Red, Swollen, or … Continue reading “Gum Disease Symptoms: When to See a Dentist”

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Get Healthy Results with Gum Disease Treatment

December 12, 2018

When bleeding or swelling gums are present, you could have gingivitis. A quality gum disease treatment can solve your problems. Gum disease, or gingivitis, comes from poor oral hygiene. Although it starts off with minor bleeding and discomfort, it can escalate to include more serious issues. This is why a quality gum disease treatment is … Continue reading “Get Healthy Results with Gum Disease Treatment”

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The Most Common Gum Disease Treatments

April 21, 2018

Gum disease is a progressive condition that can lead to periodontitis if left untreated. Gum disease treatments are very similar to the measures taken to prevent the condition in the first place. Oral hygiene is incredibly important in the fight against infections, so you should speak to your dentist as soon as possible if you … Continue reading “The Most Common Gum Disease Treatments”

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