We all love our speck-free pearly whites, don’t we? However, at times our diet and oral hygiene may not abide by our wishes, and we end up with cavities. You then end up in the dentist’s chair, ready to face the drill. Nonetheless, wouldn’t it be great if you could go through painless treatment that helps prevent cavities and strengthen your teeth? Fortunately, there is a quick dental treatment that can fortify your teeth, and it is a fluoride treatment. What is it? How Does It Work? You are about to know all that and much more in this article.
What Is Fluoride, And Why Do Our Teeth Need Fluoride?
Fluoride is among those inorganic trace minerals our body needs for optimum functioning. Fluoride compounds can find their way into our bodies through food, water, and dental products. Our body takes in fluoride in two ways: systemically and topically. Systematic intake occurs when you swallow fluoride through food and water. On the other hand, topical intake means applying fluoride on your teeth, usually using dental products and during fluoride treatment.
Fluoride prompts the reabsorption of minerals such as calcium and phosphate, found in the saliva, by your teeth. Reabsorption mineralizes the tooth fortifying it and making them less vulnerable to cavities. Fluoride not only prompts remineralization it also joins in the action by being deposited in the mineral matrix of the teeth. However, that’s not all, studies have suggested that fluoride treatment in the meantime can increase saliva production. Saliva is essential in your oral defense against plaque and cavities causing bacteria, so its amped-up production is good news.
How Does Fluoride Treatment Help And How It Is Done?
You get sufficient fluoride through your dietary intake, but sometimes your teeth need some reinforcement. Plaque formation and nefarious cavity-causing bacteria are trying to undermine the strength of your enamel. In such scenarios, fluoride treatment can strengthen your teeth’s armor and even help reverse some early cavities.
Do you feel like an in-office fluoride treatment can help you out? Talk to your dentist about it, and set up a routine for your treatments. Usually, a single proceeding plays out in the following fashion:
Your dentist will apply a fluoride solution to your teeth using a swab, brush, or by asking you to bite down on a solution-filled tray. Fluoride can come in many forms, like gel, foam, or varnish, to name a few. After treatment is applied, your dentist will ask you to refrain from eating and drinking, which helps your teeth absorb the fluoride.
Fluoride treatment is an easy way for you to fight cavities. Fluoride seems like a natural choice, as it helps with remineralization and strengthening your enamel, so your teeth can stave off cavities better. Therefore, if you seek fluoride treatment for your teeth, professional dentists at Bayside Dental can certainly help you out. To learn more about our services and how we can help you give us a call at 979-330-4113.