
Why Do I Have a Gap in My Teeth — How to Fix It?

A gap in teeth is known as a symbol of beauty, intelligence, luck, and a lot more in different cultures. But, when it comes to dentistry, the gap has one name: diastema. Even though the space between your teeth doesn’t always indicate an underlying condition, it’s still better to have your dentist examine it.
So why do the gaps between teeth really occur? We’ll discuss the causes and treatments of this condition in this blog.

Gap in Teeth Causes

The reasons why one has spaces between their teeth vary from person to person. Moreover, a gap can form between any teeth, usually more than 0.5 mm.
Here are some factors that might help you understand what causes gaps in teeth:

1. Your Jaw is Larger Than Your Teeth
The difference in size between your teeth could explain the spaces. Hence, you might have gaps in your teeth due to a larger jaw. Since the size of our jaw bones is genetic, this cause could be inherited.

2. You Indulge/Indulged in Thumbsucking
Thumbsucking is something many children do. This habit could be harmful to their dental health, as it puts pressure on the front teeth. As a result, their teeth push forward, developing gaps. So if you used to suck your thumb as a child, it might be why you have gapped teeth.

3. You Have the Habit of Tongue Thrusting
Tongue thrusting could also result in diastema. This is because incorrect swallowing reflexes, such as tongue thrusting, push your teeth forward. And before you know it, gaps start developing between your teeth.

4. You Have Missing or Undersized Teeth
Many people have diastema because their teeth are small or missing. Most people have undersized or missing lateral incisors, leading to a gapped smile. Veneers and bonding might help resolve the issue in the case of small teeth.

For missing teeth, dental implants might come to the rescue. They’re a permanent tooth replacement option that might help close the gap.

5. Your Labial Frenum is Oversized
Your upper front teeth and gum line connect to each other with the help of a tissue named the labial frenum. Having an oversized labial frenum could be why you have a gap in your teeth.

6. You’re Suffering from Gum Disease
Gaps between teeth are also one of the symptoms of gum disease. Inflammation in the gums due to infection could cause dental problems. Gradually, damage occurs in your gums and the tissues holding teeth. Consequently, you will notice sudden gaps between your teeth. You can contact your dentist for gum disease treatment.

How to Close the Gap in Teeth?

Your dentist can suggest the best treatment to close the gap in your teeth. The treatment method they choose might depend on the cause and your mouth’s condition. Options for fixing gapped teeth include:

  • Braces
  • Veneers
  • Bonding
  • Dental implants
  • Bridge
  • Gum disease treatment

The Closing Word

You could have a gap in your teeth for multiple reasons. These include large jaw, small teeth, missing teeth, thumbsucking, tongue thrusting, gum disease, and oversized labial frenum. No matter the cause, your dentist can help you treat the condition. Therefore, don’t hesitate to drop by a dental office to resolve your gapped teeth issue.

Our Bayside Dental Family is looking forward to giving you a healthy, pearly smile. Don’t forget to schedule an appointment with us at (979) 330-4113.

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