
Do Milk Teeth Need To Be Extracted?

Children’s dental journey is exciting as they experience teeth falling out and their permanent ones coming in. However, this transformative time comes with its challenges. A popular misconception is that milk teeth always fall out independently, so they don’t require extraction.

The truth is that in some cases, milk teeth may need professional extraction. In this blog, let’s learn about the situations where a milk tooth may require removal and signs to look out for.

Do Milk Teeth Need Removal?

Milk teeth, also known as primary or baby teeth, are an important part of a child’s early development. They’re just a starting point of your child’s dental health journey, and eventually, they fall out to make way for the onset of permanent teeth.

However, there are some cases where milk teeth don’t fall out on their own or get damaged. Many parents wonder if they can get away without having the problematic teeth extracted, but it can lead to the development of preventable dental issues.

From infection risk to misalignment of permanent teeth, not extracting a milk tooth that requires it can cause significant harm and discomfort.

Situations Where Milk Teeth May Need Extraction

There are some situations where an extraction might be necessary for milk teeth.

  • Infection Risk
    If a milk tooth is severely decayed or damaged, it can lead to infection. An affected milk tooth can lead to the infection spreading to surrounding tissues and even harm the underlying permanent tooth.
  • Misalignment of Permanent Teeth
    Milk teeth serve as placeholders for permanent teeth. If a milk tooth remains in place longer than it should, it can block the eruption of a permanent tooth.

    It can lead to misalignment and crowding as the adult teeth might drift into the wrong position. This misalignment can lead to orthodontic treatment later.

  • Speech and Chewing Difficulties
    Damaged milk teeth can impact a child’s ability to chew properly and affect speech development. These teeth are especially detrimental when children learn to vocalize and pronounce words.

    Proper dental alignment is crucial for clear pronunciation, and gaps from missing teeth can lead to phonation issues, resulting in difficulty articulating.

Signs Your Child Needs A Tooth Extraction

Since children can’t always convey their feelings effectively, parents can have difficulty determining if their child needs professional dental care. Here are some tell-tale signs that your child may need a tooth extraction.

  1. Persistent Tooth Pain
    Suppose your child is experiencing ongoing tooth pain that’s getting worse. This indicates a serious issue, such as decay or infection, that may require extraction.
  2. Severe Tooth Decay
    Extensive decay cannot be treated with fillings or crowns and often requires extraction to prevent further complications.
  3. Dental Trauma or Injury
    Children often have bad falls or accidents, sometimes resulting in chipped teeth. It’s important to seek professional dental care, as they can help determine if the tooth needs extraction.
  4. Infection or Abscess
    Signs of an infection, such as swelling, fever, or pus around the tooth, can indicate that an extraction may be necessary to prevent the spread of infection.


For many parents, a child’s milk teeth are precious, and having them removed before they naturally fall out can be difficult. However, delaying or not getting the required extraction can lead to various dental health issues.

If you want to know more about your child’s dental health, consider visiting the pediatric dentists at Bayside Dental and Orthodontics. We understand the importance of your child’s dental visits being a positive experience. Schedule your consultation by dialing (979) 330-4113.

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